Sunday 2 June 2013

Basic nutritional supplements for bodybuilders

Ask what they consider bodybuilding nutrients to build the most important power of sport, and they will probably mention the big three: protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Moreover, most of you will be surprised at the mention of nutritional supplements uk for bodybuilding that do not include these three nutrients.

And here lies the problem. With all the hype about marketing the positive effects of protein, carbohydrates, fat and strength training programs, and most bodybuilders really ignore the essential vitamins without which it can not reach peak performance levels.

The value of vitamin supplements

Although it is true that bodybuilders need to have the appropriate mixture of the "Big Three" in their diets, vitamins are no less important for the proper functioning of bodybuilding. In fact, vitamins are responsible for almost every aspect of energy production and muscle growth in our bodies.

That's not all.

According to experts, health and exercise science Bob Lefavi and the Timothy C. Fritz, "[w] vitamins ithout, and impairment of muscle mass, bone density will deteriorate all body systems begin to fail."

Nutritional supplements for bodybuilders

Although all vitamins are important, and there are some of them that are crucial for bodybuilders. Moreover, regarding the choice of which ones are important to your bodybuilding efforts, Lefavi and Fritz recommend that you ask yourself these four questions:

Vitamin is concerned with the work of muscles, muscle cells, or protein synthesis?
Bodybuilding does not increase the demand for vitamin?
Do bodybuilders usually suffer from a lack of vitamin?
Do you like these vitamins significantly improve athletic performance?
Fortunately, you do not have to answer these questions because scientists have done this research for you, and recommend that the initial vitamin supplements bodybuilding must be soluble in water.
The benefits of vitamins in the water-soluble for bodybuilders

Because the body quickly depletes vitamins are not stored in water-soluble, and it must constantly be replenished through diet or supplements. Fortunately, handled the recommended daily allowances for such vitamins through diet for most people. Bodybuilding, however, have higher requirements for these vitamins because of the unique pressures on their bodies.

High amounts of soluble vitamins in the water needed by all athletes, not just, it is ideal for bodybuilding supplements because they are so depleted quickly.There is no such risk with vitamins soluble in water, which require constant renewal.

It is important soluble vitamins in the water for bodybuilders

Below is a list of vitamins in the water-soluble most important for bodybuilders. Because they are depleted quickly, bodybuilding constantly need to supplement with these vitamins.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid): This is the most popular (and most studied) vitamin is responsible for muscle recovery and growth, and the formation of collagen (which is the tissue that connects muscle to bone), and the absorption of iron. Vitamin C supplementation with particular importance for bodybuilders because, as muscle cells consist mostly of water (and vitamin C is very soluble in water), and more than one muscle develops more vitamin C lost.

Vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine): This vitamin is needed particularly by bodybuilders to the body's need for it is entirely dependent on the consumption of protein. (For more protein you eat, the more vitamin B-6, which you need). This vitamin is responsible for the metabolism of protein and carbohydrate use.

Vitamin B-1 (thiamine): Vitamin B-1 is also responsible for the metabolism of protein. Furthermore, studies have shown that it enhances athletic performance.

Vitamin B-2 (riboflavin): This vitamin is crucial for the production of energy as it improves glucose metabolism. And easily oxidized fatty acids. Moreover, one of the studies suggest that supplementation with riboflavin improves excessive muscle.

Vitamin B-3: Niacin: Niacin is important for healthy, abundant, and energy production. Studies suggest that niacin may be exhausted quickly during exercise, making higher levels of niacin is necessary for the performance of the athlete.

Other necessary supplements

The discussion on the supplements for bodybuilders would not be complete without a discussion of the importance of vitamin A, vitamin E, and vitamin D.

Vitamin A: This vitamin is necessary for bodybuilders because it helps to produce glycogen (energy) and AIDS protein synthesis (muscle growth). Furthermore, studies have shown that the absorption of vitamin A is blocked partly through intense bouts of exercise and depleted more quickly while on the low-fat diet.

Vitamin E: This vitamin protects the health of cell membranes, which is necessary for muscle growth.

Vitamin D: This vitamin helps the body absorb calcium. Proper muscle contraction (as needed by bodybuilders) depends on the appropriate levels of calcium. The most well-known benefit of calcium, however, is its role in strengthening bones. Building strong bones is particularly important for bodybuilders since due to the increased muscular system, so it does not weight that is placed on their bones.

MultiVitamin Use

One of the drawbacks of dietary supplements for bodybuilders is the fact that the body does not properly absorbed many of these vitamins. This depends on vitamin supplements, one can, for example, absorbs only 50% of the vitamin (which is a stronger argument for frequent supplementation). This low rate of absorption is troubling in particular, however, vitamins, as each of the doses of Vitamin included and are usually less than what it would be like if taken individually.

About Omar Bourgila

Omar Twenty-nine years old I love swimming, practicing the sport of bodybuilding two years ago, which is my favorite sport.


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